Department of Fake Justice Exposed, Again! The U.S. Department of Justice under the former occupant of the Oval Office secretly grabbed phone and other communications data…

2020. A WTF! Year. So what better way to celebrate the end of the Shitty 366 than to offer our favourite four Worst News picks. Don't…

2020. A WTF! Year. So what better way to celebrate the end of the Shitty 366 than to offer our favourite four Worst News picks. GOP…

In July 2020, executions at the state level were put on hold in the U.S. because of COVID-19. However, shortly thereafter the federal government said deadly…

UPDATE Supreme Court: NO! UPDATE 20 More Join Attempt At Coup, Including Top Republican Leadership: Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.).…

Ain't History Something... "In 1930, Germany is a liberal democracy. Just four years later, democracy is dead, Germany’s leader is a dictator and the government is…

In the midst of a world-wide pandemic that has already killed over 85,000 Americans and on track to kill well over 100,000, Donald Trump continues his…

On 1 October 1974, five of Richard Nixon’s cabinet went on trial for conspiring to derail the Watergate investigation: U.S. Attorney General John Mitchell, Chief of…

Your Next Attorney General? ‘Fanatic Who Believes in Dictatorship of Executive Power’ ... In addition to his sweeping view of executive power, the ACLU pointed out…