'Pretty Troubling' ~ Concerns Raised Over WH Comments on Spending Cuts via CommonDreams.org President Joe Biden "should not give in to hostage-taking"   Joe 1: President…

'No issue is more important than voting rights'. Agreed!   “Let’s be clear: Obstructing the Freedom to Vote Act was as subversive as state voter-suppression actions…

The Blame Game, of course, has begun. Media outlets could not wait. They were forming at the mouth, ready to sell headlines and bylines, eager to…

'I Will Stand In The Way' Of Any Help To End The Suffering And Death In response to President Biden pointing out that “Just two states,…

Wealth Supremacists And White Supremacists. United In Anti-Democracy, Backed By SCOTUS ˜ A Sunday Read That Will Make You Crap Your Pants ˜ Why isn’t Joe…

"Biden's bold vision during the campaign won't be met if his administration leaves large chunks of Trump’s pro-polluter legacy intact." Brett Hartl, Center for Biological Diversity…

Joe Biden Reveals His Tale To Joe Manchin And NoChin McConnell About The True Meaning of Bipartisanship And What A Story It Is! Really, Just SO.…

Progressive Caucus Says Biden Would Be 'Foolish' to Keep Pursuing GOP Votes on Infrastructure   These are the same Republican senators who refused to vote for…

Democrats Fake Making Up To Pass $2T Package The Senate on Saturday passed the American Rescue Plan, President Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill. After stalls…

The attempt to include Senator Bernie Sander's minimum wage amendment in the Covid relief bill was killed in the Senate, again. We already know that all…

Biden Caves To Right Wing Dems, i.e. Manchin W-Va. Agrees To Tighten Eligibility For Covid Relief Checks. Republicans Say Thank You Very Much.   “Some people…