Trump Admin Uses Courts To Destroy ACA

Protect Our Care Statement on the Trump Administration’s Reckless Decision to Support Ruling to Dismantle the Entire Health Care System.

Today, the Trump Administration took their war on health care to a new level by informing the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that they supported the overthrow of the entire health care system by overturning the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In response, Protect Our Care chair Leslie Dach released the following statement:

“The Trump Administration’s support for overturning the entire Affordable Care Act is a reckless escalation of their war on health care that puts the care of millions of Americans at risk. With his latest attack on our health care system, President Trump confirmed what we all know to be true: he and Republicans are hell bent to take away protections for more than 100 million Americans with pre-existing conditions, rip coverage away from millions, and raising costs for countless more.

“In November, voters overwhelmingly rejected President Trump’s health care repeal and sabotage agenda, yet he remains dead set on accomplishing through the courts what he and his allies in Congress couldn’t do legislatively: fully repeal the law, devastate American health care and leave millions of Americans at risk.”

(Protect Our Care statement released Monday 25 march 2019)

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