WayBack Wednesday: Good Sense, Fear and Liberty

There’s been a flush of diarrhea coming from the mouth of the former guy (TFG) as the nation readies for the upcoming election on November 5. Devoid of any sensible attempt to inform on policy, TFG nevertheless has ‘elevated’ his insane ramblings and lies, and dangerous attacks on anyone and everyone; a strategy meant to benefit only himself… .

Trump has long blasted China’s trade practices. His ‘God Bless the USA’ Grift Bibles were printed in China

AP: Global trade records reviewed by The Associated Press show a printing company in China’s eastern city of Hangzhou shipped close to 120,000 of the Bibles to the United States between early February and late March.

The estimated value of the three separate shipments was $342,000, or less than $3 per Bible, according to databases that use customs data to track exports and imports. The minimum price for the Trump-backed Bible is $59.99, putting the potential sales revenue at about $7 million.

The Trump Bible’s connection to China, which has not been previously reported, reveals a deep divide between the former president’s harsh anti-China rhetoric and his rush to cash in while campaigning.


The Delusional, Unhinged Former Guy Swears He Went To Gaza. He Did Not!

There is literally zero evidence to back up his claim

CNN: There is no public evidence of Trump ever having been to Gaza, which has been governed by militant group Hamas since 2007. He certainly didn’t go to Gaza as president, and CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post have all found no proof he made a prior visit.


To better understand this behaviour one needs only to look back, lets say, a mere four centuries.

Discourse on the Method (of Rightly Conducting One’s Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences) 1637 in French, 1644 Latin.

René Descartes

Good sense is the most equitable distributed thing in the world, for each man considers himself so well provided with it that even those who are most difficult to satisfy in everything else do not usually wish to have more of it than they have already. It is not likely that everyone is mistaken in this; it shows, rather, that the ability to judge rightly and separate the true from the false, which is essentially what is called good sense or reason, is by nature equal in all men, and thus that our opinions differ not because some men are better endowed with reason than others, but only because we direct our thoughts along different paths, and do not consider the same things. For it is not enough to have a good mind: what is most important is to apply it rightly. The greatest souls are capable of the greatest views; and those who walk very slowly can advance much further, if they always keep to the direct road, than those who run and go astray.


Leviathan 1651

Thomas Hobbs

Of the Liberty of Subjects

Fear and liberty are consistent; as when a man throweth his goods into the sea for fear the ship should sink, he doth it nevertheless very willingly, and may refuse to do it if he will: it is therefore the action of one that was free: so a man sometimes pays his debt, only for fear of imprisonment, which because nobody hindered him from detaining, was the action of a man at liberty. And generally all actions which men do in commonwealths, for fear of the law, are actions, which the doers had liberty to omit.


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