Friday Serenade: Jim Jordan’s Little Committee A Big Fail. He’s Nervous…

Since last year, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) has promised (to you know who) that “dozens and dozens of whistleblowers” would come to Republicans rescue by proving an epic betrayal by their leaders in favor of the woke establishment and against you know who.

Now Jordan chairs a new subcommittee created specifically to showcase those grievances and it’s proving to be a massive fail.

Moreover, in an effort to undercut Jordan, Democrats on the “Weaponization of Government” subcommittee released their own summary and partial transcripts of the committee’s first interviews with three former FBI agents (the whistleblowers), and the material is embarrassing.

The “whistleblowers” are now just three rando and RETIRED agents who have “little firsthand knowledge of any wrongdoing or violation of the law.”

Two of the three agents have embraced a discredited conspiracy theory that the FBI instigated the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. Two of the three recently received cash payments and other help from a Donald Trump loyalist who used to work for the Trump administration. One of them wouldn’t even explain what he’d done to get suspended by the FBI.

Yeah, Jym Jordan is nervous and afraid. Oh well.

Info compiled from and


Running Scared    /    Roy Orbison


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