Wednesday WayBack: Lowest of the Low

How Joe Manchin killed Biden’s child tax credit via MSNBC

Under [President Joe] Biden, Democrats conducted the most effective attack on child poverty in American history. Manchin all but single-handedly destroyed those efforts when he killed the Build Back Better plan.

The loss of Biden’s expansion of the child tax credit resulted in an increase in child poverty by something like 41 percent. When the expanded tax credit was implemented, child poverty fell to just 12 percent – the lowest figure in American history

Manchin reportedly hated this particular part of the Biden child tax credit, telling colleagues that recipients would spend the money on drugs instead of child care.



No doubt coal multi-millionaire senator Joe Manchin these days sees himself as some sort of demi-god. And why not. Since the election of Joe Biden, the Democrat of West Virginia has killed more of the Democrats’ agenda than Republican senate leader Mitch McConnell; now that’s power.

However, strip away delusions of deity and Joe Manchin is just another piece-of-shit politician looking out for only himself. When you destroy efforts to eliminate child poverty, you are immediately among the lowest of the low. You’re not a god, demi or otherwise. You’re not a champion of and for ‘the people’. You’re not a shinning example of a good person in politics, or life. You are, though, just a piece of shit.


Being Manchin


So, Joe. How Ya Feelin’

Posted here 2021.10.21

Manchin Didn’t Get Even One Republican For His Compromise ‘Bipartisan’ Voting Bill

No, really, Joe, how are you feeling today? Maybe a little embarrassed? Or, maybe a little exposed – ya know, for once again shown to be the huckster* and blowhard* and hypocrite* that you are.


Another DINO Manchin Self-Own

Posted here 2021.10.19

But, He Is Making A Lot Of Money Off Them

When asked by a CNN reporter to respond to Senator Bernie Sanders accusing him of holding up the Biden agenda, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia said:


The Real Joe Manchin: Shafting American Workers

Posted here 2021.12.14

Joe Manchin illustrates that the real division in American politics is no longer left versus right, conservative versus liberal, even Democrat versus Republican. The real division is democracy versus the moneyed interests.

It’s No Mystery: Joe Manchin Represents the Monied Interests, Himself and Nobody Else


Joe Manchin Once Again Tells Us Who He Is. It’s Really Time To Believe Him

Posted here 2021.12.19

POS DINO Manchin – The Senator Who Doesn’t Give A Fuck About Anyone But Himself, And His Corporate Sponsors

After months of negotiations, after months of promising he was negotiating in good faith, coal multi-millionaire Senator Joe Manchin now says he will vote NO on the Build Back Better Act. The Corporate-Democrat of West Virginia made the announcement Sunday on Fox News.


All You Need To Know About Phony Joe And His ‘NO’

Posted here 2021.12.21

Corporate donations to Sen. Joe Manchin’s PAC surged as he fought President Biden’s agenda

West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin’s political action committee saw a surge in corporate contributions this fall, ahead of his decision to oppose – and apparently kill – President Joe Biden’s $1.75 trillion social safety net and climate-change bill.

Manchin’s leadership PAC, Country Roads, received 17 contributions from corporations in October and 19 last month, according to a CNBC analysis of Federal Election Commission filings. None of the four months prior to October saw as many corporate contributions.


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