Wednesday WayBack: When All You Have Is Whine

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskiy Wednesday morning addressed the U.S. Congress about the unprovoked Russian invasion of his country and the real-life impact.

Zelenskiy asked the United States, Europe and NATO for more help; but it was clear, U.S. assistance was the centrepiece of the well-received speech.

However, there was one guy, TFG, who wasn’t exactly pleased with the reception President Zelenskiy received and therefore tried as he always did, does, will forever do, to make the topic about himself.

His whine (below, in part):

People forget so quickly, with the help of the Fake News, that it was me that got the 20 out of 28 delinquent NATO countries to start paying the money that they owed in order to rebuild a floundering NATO. Nobody knew things would happen so rapidly, but NATO was poor and now it is rich, and all of the Fake News commentators that said Trump was tearing down NATO should be ashamed of themselves for telling lies. Not only was the United States being taken advantage of by the EU on trade, but it was forced to pay the costs of the many delinquent NATO countries. Bush and Obama did nothing but make speeches and talk—I acted, and acted strongly. I said to them, “if you don’t pay up, no protection.” They all paid up, and paid up quickly. It’s a story that’s never reported, but that’s only because we have a corrupt press in our Country!

While TFG might not have liked Zelenskiy’s speech nor the Standing O, a few of his own ‘speeches’ were, shall we say, not well received. One in particular comes to mind.

Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin held a press conference in the middle of July 2018. Americans – Democrats & Republicans, Liberals & Conservatives, Red States & Blue States, and ‘Independents’ across the nation – were not amused and none gave this presentation a standing ovation.

Here are a few reactions:

“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors’. It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???” – John O. Brennan, former Director of the CIA from March 2013 to January 2017, (25-year career in CIA). Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, and Assistant to President Obama (16 July 2018)

“One of the most disgraceful performances by an American president in memory. No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant”. – Senator John McCain (R-AZ) (16 July 2018)

“There is no way after the #TrumpPutinSummit that our @POTUS should have any security clearance issued by the US government. It’s time to investigate Donald Trump for treason against the United States. RT if you agree! #TreasonSummit” – VoteVets (@votevets) (16 July 2018 via Twitter)

“Hi, I know you broke into my home, stole stuff, and left a mess, but I was hoping we could move past that by working together on my home security system. Said no one EVER. #TrumpPutin.” –
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) (@RepSwalwell) (16 July 2018 via Twitter)

‘One Of The Most Disgraceful Performances Ever By An American President’ – Anderson Cooper, CNN (16 July 2018)

“Disgusting” – Fox Business host Neil Cavuto on Trump’s behavior at the presser. ( 16 July 2018)

“The president clearly sides with Putin. He is wrong. He is wrong on the facts, and most importantly, he is weak. This is cowardly”. – Nicholas Burns, former U.S. ambassador to NATO under President George W. Bush (16 July 2018)

More, many more here:


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