We Love To Hate. It’s You, Not Me

Sixty-Four Percent of Americans Think Social Media Divides More Than Unite


A new NBC poll reveals astonishing news: Most Americans who use social media more than once a day think platforms like Facebook and Twitter are doing more to divide us than to bring us together. Really?

A majority cuts across party lines:

  • Republicans . 77 percent
  • Independents . 65 percent
  • Democrats . 54 percent

Age categories:

  • Young adults . 61 percent
  • Seniors . 71 percent

A few takeaways:

  1. If Republicans stopped their campaigns of hate, maybe, just maybe, their numbers would go down. Way, way down.
  2. The poll also says 27 percent of all American adults think Facebook and Twitter do more to bring us together: WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!
  3. Social Media platforms aren’t doing a damn thing – it’s the insane people using the platforms with the sole purpose of spewing hate and divisiveness. If ya don’t like what’s being propagandised on the platforms, do yourself a favour – sign off; volunteer at a food bank or your local board of elections.


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