Virus Rising. WH Lying. More Dying.

“A record surge in new cases is the clearest sign yet of the historic failure in the U.S. to control the virus – exposing a crisis in governance… .”

New Covid-19 cases across the U.S. on Saturday, 27 June, reached more than 42,000, another one day record. As of Friday, “the seven-day average increased more than 41% compared with a week ago.”

But, at the first White House Covid-19 task force briefing in nearly two months, Vice President Mike Pence on Friday heaped praise on Trump’s handling of the pandemic and brushed aside concerns about a record spike in new infections across much of the U.S.

Following his announcement that more than 2.5 million Americans had come down with the deadly virus, Pence said: “We have made a truly remarkable progress in moving our nation forward. We’ve all seen the encouraging news as we open up America again.”

Let us not forget that Pence is repeating the same insane propaganda as his boss. When Trump does discuss the pandemic that continues killing Americans daily, “it is often to float misinformation about treatments, masks and testing – science-defying views that have been embraced by his supporters and top Republican lawmakers.”

However; the lies, misinformation, indifference and incompetence cannot hide the numbers, the tragedy. While global cases of Covid-19 exceed 10 million, confirmed cases in the United States have surpassed 2.5 million this weekend. Deaths globally are now more than 500,000 and more than 126,000 deaths in the U.S., according to records maintained by Johns Hopkins University.

Read here here  here and here

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