As a veteran who served six years on active duty in the United States Army, under two Commanders in Chief, I was filled with outrage, disgust,…

Yeah, We See You. And So Did They ... "The Committee found that Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the Russian effort to hack computer networks and…

READ: Spies and Commandos Warned Months Ago of Russian Bounties on U.S. Troops "United States intelligence officers and Special Operations forces in Afghanistan alerted their superiors…

Christian nationalism is a political ideology. It says that what makes the United States distinctive is not our democratic system of government, or our Constitution, or…

Propaganda machines in all totalitarian countries habitually depict the dictator as the saviour of his people from some danger real, or more usually imaginary, and as…

In the midst of a world-wide pandemic that has already killed over 85,000 Americans and on track to kill well over 100,000, Donald Trump continues his…