In an opinion piece on Tuesday at The Guardian, Robert Reich poses a familiar, and some may say inevitable, Democratic Party policy outcome: Is Biden's entire…

The Dirty Lowdown. There's No Cure For Stupid. In Alabama, which has the country's lowest vaccination rate, a doctor describes seeing young people dying. “One of…

Suddenly, right-wing Republicans and their lying brethren in bullshit-media outlets have decided getting vaccinated might not be all that bad, that getting the shots just might…

On This Day In History: 17 December.   1821: Kentucky abolishes debtors' prisons 2020: Jobless Claims Rise To 885,000 Amid Resurgence Of Virus 2020: Republicans refuse…

Dying in a Leadership Vacuum. Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a…

U.S. Economy Tanking! Covid Breaking Records In Cases And Deaths! Mitch McConnell With His Cadre Of We-Don't-Give-A-Shit Assholes Offer This!   According to Johns Hopkins University,…