Monday Ménage: That Name. Not Yours. One Link.

Coates. Ali. Cooper.


We were coloreds or Negroes, and to call someone Black was to invite a fistfight. But Malcolm remade the menace inherent in that name into something mystical—Black Power; Black Is Beautiful; It’s a Black thing; you wouldn’t understand. Ta-Nehisi Coates.


I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours; my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me. Muhammad Ali.


Let woman’s claim be as broad in the concrete as the abstract. We take our stand on the solidarity of humanity, the oneness of life, and the unnaturalness and injustice of all special favoritism, whether of sex, race, country or condition. If one link of the chain is broken, the chain is broken. Anna Julia Cooper, PhD.



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