WayBack Wednesday: Picture Boy For Punks

Special Counsel Jack Smith reportedly is listening to recordings of Texas Senator Ted Cruz allegedly blueprinting plans to delay and finally overturn 2020 presidential certification of Joe Biden.

The recordings by former Fox News producer, Abby Grossberg, have become since their release must-hear ‘surprises’ and ‘bombshells’ concerning GOP politics and plans for the future.

What the real ‘bombshell’ is is media using surprise and bombshell when it comes to anything about Ted Cruz, Fox News, or the GOP.


There are NO bombshells when it comes to Ted Cruz. We know Ted Cruz; yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


WayBack Wednesday


Posted 202101.09

Senator. Coward. Punk!

During the Republican presidential primary in 2016, candidate Donald Trump claimed that your father was involved, with Lee Harvey Oswald, in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

That was a Trump lie. He was repeating a National Enquirer story which claimed there was a picture of your father, Rafael Cruz, with Oswald in New Orleans in 1963. Another lie.

Then, following more attacks on your family, yourself and questions about your citizenship, Trump called your wife, Heidi, ugly. Trump used Twitter to circulate, with comments, an (unflattering) picture of your wife – alongside a (retouched) picture of his wife.

OK, maybe Trump attacking your father was easy for you to give the POS a pass. But, man, the guy called your wife ugly, in ‘public’! The picture made the rounds – all over the world! What the fuck is wrong with you. He called your wife ugly!

That you took that is bad enough, it showed you to be a coward. But then a year later, you took your wife to dinner with the guy who called your wife ugly, in public. That makes you a fucking punk!


Posted 2022.03.30

Considerable Evidence, You’re a POS

The sniveling, spineless, cowardly Senator from Texas is in the news again, and, again, not for being a stand-up guy. A Washington Post report reveals the latest:

Inside Ted Cruz’s last-ditch battle to keep Trump in power

Soon after the 2020 election, Trump contacted Cruz over a phone call where the senator agreed to argue his case of a fraudulent election, starting a month’s long collaboration between the two republican politicians.

The report explores the Texan’s senator’s historically rocky relationship with Trump who notable said Cruz was “the single biggest liar I have ever dealt with in my life” at the CBS News GOP debate in 2016. In response Cruz refused to support the presidential nominee at the Republican National Convention, calling him an “arrogant buffoon.”

Cruz’s plan to enable Trump to remain in office involved six swing states objecting to the results of the election therefore hindering approval of the electoral college results. The proposal of a 10-day audit, announced on Jan. 2, would then potentially allow GOP state legislatures the opportunity to overturn the election results.

We, by ‘we’ I mean the whole fuking world, know how low Ted Cruz can go trying to make himself more than he is.



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