Friday Serenade: Felon and Flakes and Fairy Tails, Oh My. An Update

Far-right Republican Congressman Mike Johnson, who is Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives and second in line to the Presidency, is at it again in his role as Supreme Lackey, conveniently forgetting that his position does not require him to be a butt-boy for Trump but does require him to be Speaker for the nation.

But maybe that’s all he is good for.

Examples abound in the recent past and new ones should take no one by surprise; after all, he is Mike Johnson.

I am re-running a video post from late May of this year with words and music exposing Johnson for what we all know him to be and what he will always be.

Included here are two more very recent examples of Johnson exposed:

Forcing a government shutdown in order to placate Trump. Here and Here

Intervening for Trump in the disgusting Arlington Cemetery photo-op. Here 


Audio 1: Just Your Fool  –  Rolling Stones

Audio 2: Georgia  –  Bobby Blue Bland


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