WayBack Wednesday: When A Slogan Hits Its Mark

At her first campaign rally a month ago in Wisconsin, Kamala Harris got lucky – she was handed a great slogan: We’re Not Going Back! – and it’s playing really well. I mean, really well. If you’ve watching, reading about, or catching replays of the Democratic National Convention you know the slogan has found a home.

So, it would be fair to ask: We’re not going back to what?

I’m glad you asked. And only because you insist, I offer a few examples of to what. More examples abound but here are just a few…

~~ WBW ~~

Lying Liars and The Lies They Leave Laying Around

Posted here 2022-08-03

From the cesspool that is today’s Republican source for their spoken and written words, the latest dump by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy might not be as toxic as the many that he has dropped to help fill that large, very large, pool.

Nevertheless, it’s another example of how easy it is for these people to lie; disrespecting their oath, the US Constitution, and the people of America.

McCarthy straight up lied on, where else, Fox, this week saying Speaker Nancy Pelosi refused to invite any Republicans to join her on the trip to Taiwan.

But she did. And McCarthy knew it.

The right-wing Washington Times reported on July 28, that Speaker Pelosi invited other lawmakers to join her on her trip to Taiwan including the top-ranked Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul.

If You Can’t Beat Them Honestly, Lie and Cheat

Posted here 2018.07.31

North Carolina Republicans want to hide the truth from voters; so, they’re trying to rewrite the rules to make it easier to do so.

Legislative Republicans who work in secret are looking for new ways to shut the public out. Not content to fix the game, they’re rewriting the rules to favor deception and secrecy over public input and transparency,” spokeswoman for Democratic Governor Roy Cooper.

Heroes And Cowards

Posted here 2018.08.26

While we salute the heroic life of John McCain we must also not forget the cowards living among us.

“But I’m good at war. I’ve had a lot of wars of my own. I’m really good at war. I love war, in a certain way.” (Donald Trump 11/12/2015).

But we know the true story of Donald Trump is quite different.

Donald Trump received deferments (in 1964, 1965, 1966, and 1968) to stay out of the Vietnam War. Not, as Trump once claimed, because he had high lottery numbers.

According to his Selective Service records… Read More

Sketchy Tax Schemes And ‘Outright Fraud’. Surprise? Nah…

Posted here 2018.10.02

The New York Times this afternoon dropped what is being called a ‘bombshell’ report:

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father

Much of this money came to Mr. Trump because he helped his parents dodge taxes. He and his siblings set up a sham corporation to disguise millions of dollars in gifts from their parents, records and interviews show. Records indicate that Mr. Trump helped his father take improper tax deductions worth millions more. He also helped formulate a strategy to undervalue his parents’ real estate holdings by hundreds of millions of dollars on tax returns, sharply reducing the tax bill when those properties were transferred to him and his siblings.

Yeah, Still Growing…

Posted here 2019.06.11

Since taking office, Donald Trump has turned lying into an art form.

UPDATES: 794 Days, Over 9,179. And Growing. Latest At 801 Days 9,451… Latest At 828 Days 10,111 and Still Growing… Latest At 869 Days 10,796…

The Shakedown. The Pressure. The Cover Up.

Posted here 2019.10.21

Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif. and second in line of presidential succession) released a “fact sheet” breaking down Donald Trump’s “shakedown” of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, a “pressure campaign” to get Zelensky to dig up dirt on his political rival, former Vice President Joe Biden, and all that followed by a way too easy to see “cover up”.

Less Than 1,000 Days In Office An Unbeatable Record

Posted here 2019.10.14

Oval Office Occupant Does False Or Almost False 13,435 Times Over 993 Days.

That’s As Of 9 October, Less Than 1,000 Days In The Office.

Virus Rising. WH Lying. More Dying.

Posted here 2020.06.28

New Covid-19 cases across the U.S. on Saturday, 27 June, reached more than 42,000, another one day record. As of Friday, “the seven-day average increased more than 41% compared with a week ago.”

But, at the first White House Covid-19 task force briefing in nearly two months, Vice President Mike Pence on Friday heaped praise on Trump’s handling of the pandemic and brushed aside concerns about a record spike in new infections across much of the U.S.

Following his announcement that more than 2.5 million Americans had come down with the deadly virus, Pence said: “We have made a truly remarkable progress in moving our nation forward. We’ve all seen the encouraging news as we open up America again.”

The Lying Liars Take A Moment

Posted here 2021.07.20

Suddenly, right-wing Republicans and their lying brethren in bullshit-media outlets have decided getting vaccinated might not be all that bad, that getting the shots just might save your life.

What changed?

After months and months and months of telling deadly lies to their followers, elected Republicans in the House and Senate along with the cowards and phonies at Fox, Newsmax and other fake news organisations are now acting as if this is all new, that the coronavirus is serious and the vaccines are deeply rooted in medical science.

Choosing Deception and Destruction Over Decency

Posted here 2022.04.27

Republican member of the United States House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy has proven he is not only a liar but that he is also a coward and a man without an once of integrity. But, hey, he’s one among many – in today’s Republican Party…


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