Friday Serenade: Part 1 and Part 2

OK, I missed my WayBack Wednesday post this week; not on purpose but due to a family issue. All’s good.

So I’m combining the Wednesday thing with a two-part Friday Serenade, with an intro grabbed from The Hill.


American Bar task force calls on lawyers to defend against threats to democracy

Via The Hill

When the American Bar Association’s Task Force for American Democracy officially calls on America’s lawyers to take up the “clarion call” to defend the U.S. constitutional democracy against the “serious threat” of “rising authoritarianism,” we probably should heed the warning.

“Our country and democracy face a wide variety of serious threats, including that of rising authoritarianism. For the first time in our history, we did not have a peaceful transition of power in our last presidential election.”


Friday Serenade: Inside America’s Blues

American way of life is in danger. Yes, it’s been here before; yet the nation has always, somehow, found a way to step back from the abyss. Sometimes not many steps back, but back.

Today, it’s different. America has not seen the current threats to its constitutional life since the Civil War.

And just as real as was the War that almost split the country in two, or three, or four, the current assault on our way of life is reaching very close to the levels of disruption and destruction of that War.

If not for those who dedicated their lives to saving the United States of America, today we would not be a beacon; not even a dim light.

Stand Up! Be Counted! Be Accountable! Be Free!

I’ll Be Singing The Blues / The Kinsey Report


Friday Serenade: America Is Singing To Us


We Must Pay Attention To Her Warning…


Chief Justice Roberts Ignores Republican Efforts to Shred the Rule of Law

The GOP’s war on judges and juries, along with Justices Thomas’ and Alito’s naked partisanship, are shaking the foundations of the Constitution and American democracy. Via


Look Out! There’s A Train Coming / Kenny ‘Blues Boss’ Wayne


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