Friday Serenade: Going Away

John Amato, editor and publisher at, has a cadre of great writers and one of the best is Susie Madrak who has a must-read on how corporate media continues to target the Harris-Waltz campaign because, as Madrak writes: “they want to punish her for not courting them, and it will be bad. They resent her for sneaking in under the wire as the nominee, because (and this is important) they see themselves as the only legitimate gatekeepers for the ultimate prize: the White House. They can’t believe she’s doing it without their seal of approval”.

Harris-Walz: Swimming Upstream Against The Corporate Media

Can anything fix the media? Honestly, I’ve given up. CNN is run by a Republican billionaire, the Washington Post is run by a billionaire Murdoch crony, and Twitter is owned by an aspiring fascist. Local newspapers (even the ones that aren’t owned by hedge funds) are still tiptoeing around hot-button issues that might drive away their financial support.

And then we have the standards now set by the New York Times, whose work product is often beneath contempt. Maybe the best thing would be a polar shift that left all these media giants buried under a mountain of ice, like in “The Day After Tomorrow.”

Madrak nails it. Complete article here


Goin’ Away Baby / The Jimmy Rogers All-Stars Blues Band

Featuring Mick Jagger & Keith Richards


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