WayBack Wednesday: Hate… America’s Fatal Disease

America today is overwhelmed by HATE and HATE will bring an end to ‘The Grand Experiment’.

Yes, HATE has been an integral part of the American experiment from its beginning, bringing with it unimaginable death, destruction and despair. However, in the current incarnation of America, HATE has become an expected and accepted form of entertainment – sourced from news media, social media platforms, broadcast and streaming television, movies, and the political circus in Washington D.C. and each and every state across the land.

As Joseph Stalin often preached during his reign of terror:

America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.


Looking back to a post here in August 2018 is simply another confirmation of Stalin’s prediction.

~ WBW ~

Profiting From Hate

Who’s Taking Blood Money From Hate Groups?

Let’s be clear; every dollar these companies make from white supremacists is BLOOD MONEY. Their inaction begs the question: whose side are they on?

America is facing a crisis. White supremacist hatred and violence are on the rise. The number of murders committed by white supremacists in the U.S. more than doubled in 2017 alone.

Learn who these companies are and from which hate groups they take money; via Color of Change.org at Blood Money.org


AT&T, the largest telecom provider in the United States, has been funding at least 90% of far-right One America News (OAN) since the channel launched in 2013.

The channel struggled for sustained viewership until it started promoting the former guy’s big lie that the 2020 election was “stolen”.

The investigation by Reuters also reveals that AT&T’s push back on the report, claiming they simply “carried” the channel, is simply bogus.

Robert Herring Sr, founder and CEO of OAN, which shares a large overlap of viewers with Fox News, said in a 2019 deposition that the channel was the brainchild of AT&T executives.

More on the Reuters investigation. 


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