WayBack Wednesday: The U.S. Supreme Court vs U.S. Women & Girls; Assault Intensified…

The Supreme Court of the United States of America is continuing it’s assault on women and girls of this country. It’s time to say ENOUGH and mean it.


CommonDreams.org: Less than a month after a key abortion pill hearing, the right-wing U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday heard arguments for another major reproductive rights case—one out of Idaho that could impact healthcare for pregnant women and people across the country.

The Guardian.com: “If a woman comes to an emergency room facing a grave threat to her health, but she isn’t yet facing death, doctors either have to delay treatment and allow her condition to materially deteriorate, or they’re airlifting her out of the state so she can get the emergency care that she needs. One hospital system in Idaho says that, right now, it’s having to transfer pregnant woman in medical crisis out of the state about once every other week. That’s untenable and Emtala does not countenance it.”

HuffPost.com: The Supreme Court heard heated arguments on Wednesday over whether states can criminalize life-saving, stabilizing abortion care in emergency medical situations. The arguments, a consolidation of Idaho v. United States and Moyle v. United States, focused on Idaho’s near-total abortion ban, which first went into effect in August 2022. The justices debated whether the narrow exceptions in Idaho’s ban override federally mandated requirements for physicians under the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act.


Looking back over the many battlefields, we see bodies stacked upon bodies; lives forever changed; sorrow and doubt crushing the spirit; but, for those sitting in fine robes who believe they have the right to inflict the pain and be the cause of so much suffering and death must know that there awaits them a special place in Hell.

The story is an old one, but the cowards will learn that today’s warriors are just as smart, just as committed, and just as tough as those who came before them. They will not give up, they will not give in. Unafraid and much tougher than the cowards, they will move forward, making the country better for us all.

And if we don’t stand with them, well, History will just refer to us as the little cowards without robes.

~ WBW ~


Roe v. Wade And The Supreme Court

Posted here 2021.12.01

Going to go out on a limb here, but I’m pretty sure the cowards on the Court would be seeing this differently if it was ruling on cocks and balls.


Rusty coathangers are not what I’m talking about. Yes, women have used coathangers. Knitting needles. Weight-lifting. Jumping up and down. When they are pregnant and don’t want to be – it’s the wrong man, the wrong time, the wrong place – they will do what they need to do to abort. Desperation is what I’m talking about. The Supreme Court can overturn Roe v. Wade, and probably will, but women will have abortions. They had illegal ones before Roe and they will again, if that’s what they must do.

When young women need abortions, will they have them safely, legally, in a sterile setting, performed by a trained professional whose reputation they can check? Whose name they know? Who will follow up afterward if something goes wrong? Or will they be forced to resort to the harrowing means sought by their mothers and older sisters? Will they be made to feel like criminals or – as some in the anti-abortion movement would have it – actually become criminals? Linda Rocawich, Before Roe v. Wade, After Roe Is Reversed: Desperation. The Progressive, January 1992.


So now you know. The Supreme Court will rule on restrictive abortion law in time for Election Day. Ironically, this announcement, which fast-tracks the inevitable gutting of Roe v. Wade, counts as a pro-choice victory: Abortion, the hope is, will be thrown into the political arena, where pro-choicers hold a three-to-one majority. Given the current makeup of the Court, pro-choice groups did well to force a showdown. Still, that strategy entails major risks.

It is fashionable in some policy quarters to deride Roe and to urge pro-choicers to trust the political process. But it is the Supreme Court, historically, that has been the last line of defense for hotly contested civil liberties. No one who cherishes a right would wish to see it voted up or down every four years, or worse, subjected to fifty annual recertifications by state pols elected for their views on taxes or highway repairs. Editorial: The Court’s Wake-Up Call. The Nation, February 10, 1992.


Taliban Unleashed, In The U.S.

Posted here 2021.09.02

Coming Soon To A State Near You

The American Taliban, formerly known as the Republican Party, with full support from conservative fanatics on the Supreme Court, are rapidly expanding their methods of assault on women of the United States of America; latest example being the (most recent) unconstitutional Texas anti-abortion law and refusal by SCOTUS conservatives to stop it.

A review by the research organisation Guttmacher Institute shows nearly half of U.S. states currently have laws that could be used to restrict or completely gut abortion rights; its latest report reveals that nine states have “unconstitutional post-Roe restrictions that are currently blocked by courts but could be brought back into effect with a court order in Roe‘s absence”.

In dissent of the Court’s 5-4 ruling, Justice Sonia Sotomayor blasts conservative justices Amy Coney Barrett, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas: “The act is clearly unconstitutional under existing precedents… . The respondents do not even try to argue otherwise. Nor could they. The act is a breathtaking act of defiance of the Constitution, of this court’s precedents, and of the rights of women seeking abortions throughout Texas”.



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