WayBack Wednesday: Governing From Inside The Circular Firing Squad

~ Oh, That Circular Firing Squad ~

Lately, there has been much page space and screen time given to the infighting among House Republicans. It’s been entertaining watching the fascists-like leadership and their incompetent brownshirts, with cringe-worthy examples of how not to be a governing body, implode just months from November national elections.

From Axios:

      • … there are signs that the GOP’s circular firing squad is continuing. Among them: Less than 100 of the 219 Republican House members are attending their retreat at the Greenbrier resort.
      • And some firebrand conservatives — including Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and key members of the House Freedom Caucus — are campaigning against colleagues who are facing primary challenges, such as Reps. Mike Bost (R-Ill.), William Timmons (R-S.C.) and Tony Gonzales (R-Texas).
      • Speaker Mike Johnson‘s team is worried that the spats fueling the GOP’s dysfunction in the House are carrying over into campaigns for the Nov. 5 elections — giving Democrats an easier path to take control of the chamber.

But, wait! No need to worry, you inept, irresponsible Repubs. The people on the other side of the isle have had their own issues very similar to your own, with similar outcomes.

For example, 2019:

~ WBW ~


Promises Broken. Elections Lost!

Posted here 2019-01-04

America Is Saved! America Is Saved! Yay!!

So, Democrats now are in control of the House of Representatives, by a fairly safe margin – 235* to 199*. Lead news stories from broadcast and cable outlets and newspaper headlines across the nation either joyfully or angrily alert us all to the historic fact that this, the 116th Congress, is the most diverse House ever. And that’s a good thing, unless, of course, you’re a sexist, a racist, a bigot, and a really frightened Republican. Or a talking head on Fox. But I digress… .

Anyway, Nancy Pelosi is once again Speaker of the House and has already introduced major reform legislation. New committee heads promise to hold hearings, others promise to investigate the Administration. Some committee heads promise tighter controls of the purse strings and still others promise they will demand Trump’s tax returns. But one newly seated Member from Michigan has a whole other plan: “… we’re gonna go in there and we’re gonna impeach the motherfucker.”

The Democrats’ sweeping legislation addresses making voting easier not harder, restoring voting rights to millions, publicly financed elections, and if not stopping at least slowing down corruption. Good luck on that last one.

A lot of promises. Nice promises. Really good promises. Unfortunately, as history tells us, Democrats will surely find a way to screw this up. Even if by some miracle Democrats manage to alter their DNA, as long as Republicans with Mitch McConnell as leader control the Senate, none of the Democrats’ legislation have a chance of becoming law.

And let us not forget the Dems’ ever present danger to success, also known as Republicans’ best friend from the other side of the aisle, New York’s senior Senator, Chuck Schumer. If any one can find a way to turn a Dem victory into a defeat while at the same time hand the Repubs the game ball, it is Chuck. And no doubt he’s looking for that way.

All in all, I really like the plan put forward by the Member from Michigan. She speaks to me.

(* * Result in North Carolina 9th Congressional District not yet certified).

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