Friday Serenade: What Do You Dump Shits See In Me


91-counts man and Dead-Democracy Questions of The Century


Will the Most Corrupt Supreme Court in History Assist the Trump Coup?

Great Read. By Thom Hartmann / The Hartmann Report


But absurd is nothing new to the six bought-off Republicans on the Supreme Court

As I laid out in detail in The Hidden History of the Supreme Court and the Betrayal of America, Republicans on the Court have, for almost a century, taken the side of autocracy over democracy, billionaires over workers, and corporations over consumers and the environment.

—They tell us that corporations are “persons” with rights under the Bill of Rights.
— They tell us when morbidly rich people or massive corporations bribe politicians that that’s merely  their “First Amendment free speech” right.
— They ruled that American women and girls must live under rules established by a 17th century witch-burning judge.
— They repeatedly knocked down the rights of people living in Red states to vote.
— They make it harder for unions to function.
— They gutted Obamacare.
— They ruled that it’s okay to discriminate against gay people.
— They flooded our nation with guns.
— They encourage monopoly.
— They put shackles on the EPA, ruling that it can’t regulate carbon dioxide.

And now they’re doing everything they can to get Donald Trump back into office so Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito, both well into their seventies, can retire confident in the knowledge they’ll be replaced by rightwing judges chosen by the Federalist Society.


Read much more in this piece by Hartmann


I Can’t See What You See In Me  /  The Joneses



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