WayBack Wednesday: Hey Dems, There’s A Hole In The Fence. Save The Damn Country!

Take The Traitors At Their Word(s).

Go At Them Hard, Or

They Will Find A Way To Close That Hole.

To Trump, Johnson and the rest of the Republican cowards and traitors, a few messages from Americans:

The Comer/Jordan impeachment sham appears to have been a Russian intelligence operation from the start.
The only remaining question is whether Rs were witting or unwitting agents of Putin in their desperate quest to get Trump reelected.
Will the GOP continue to work for Putin? pic.twitter.com/erzG7b54sU
 — Daniel Goldman (@danielsgoldman) February 21, 2024

You’re both traitors who tried to overturn the results of a legitimate election & then staged a failed insurrection.
What does the adjudicated rapist criminal fraud have on you, Speaker Jesus Freak? — (Tara Dublin), Rock Star Author (@taradublinrocks) February 20, 2024

Why are you so proud to be a traitor to Christ and a traitor to the United States of America? — Agatha (@NaughtyAgatha45) February 20, 2024

There is a pattern, a History of people like Trump and Johnson, of killing America from the inside… here’s a few examples

~ WBW ~

Hello America, Spasibo

Posted here 2018-07-04

Repubs Luvs Them Some Putin

Posted here 2018-08-15

Stolen Elections. Foreign Invasion. Summits. Appeasement. And Real Patriots Stand Up. Yes, Sarcasm

Posted here 2018-07-17

Intel Officials Showed Trump Ironclad Proof Putin Ordered Cyberattacs Against U.S. Election: Reports

Posted here2018-07-19

When A Picture Writes The Story

Posted here 2018-07-20

WH Deletes Putin For Trump From Helsinki Transcript

Posted here 2018-07-25

A Canadian Take: Trump Stuck In Putin’s Swamp

Posted here 2018-07-30

Unidentified Top Admin Official: The Root Of The Problem Is The President’s Amorality

Posted here 2018-09-05

Well, There It Is

Posted here 2018-10-19

In a foreign policy speech on Thursday night (2018.10.18) in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin called the United States an ‘empire’, adding: the United States “often think they can make some little mistakes … because they’re so powerful. But when the number of these mistakes keeps growing, it reaches a level they cannot sustain.”

Let’s Do It Again

Posted here 2019-10-16

Our Eyes Are Not Lying

Posted here 2020-08-18

No Surprises Here

Posted here 2021-03-17

And In This Corner

Posted here 2021-06-15

Killing U.S. Democcracy, The Receipts

Posted here 2021-07-15

A Dark, Dark Day

Posted here 2021-10-07

White Nationalists and Their Motherland

Posted here 2022-01-05

Wingers, Propaganda, and Vlad. Oh My.

Posted here 2022-02-16

Images Tell The Story

Posted here 2022-03-02

Believing In Each Other

Posted here 2022-03-04

When All You Have Is Whine

Posted here 2022-03-17

Murderous Campaigns

Posted here 2022-03-23

Repubs Sure Luvs Them Some Putin

Posted here 2022-09-23

Still Your Fools

Posted here 2023-02-01

Intel Leaks and Death and Destruction

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