WayBack Wednesday: About Mitch McConnell

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced he is stepping down from his leadership position in November.

Hey Mitch, why wait. Do it now. You have destroyed enough; America does not need any more of your deadly partisan shit.

“Sen. Mitch McConnell’s legacy will be that he purposefully undermined America’s first Black president, he broke the Supreme Court, he helped elect a fascist President, and he abetted up an insurrection on American soil.” Shannon Watts, gun control advocate.

And here’s more Mitch…

~ WBW ~


Mitch, A Special Place In Hell Awaits You

Posted here 2021-04-06

Hypocrite of the year award, and there’s no close second, goes to Republican Senator Mitch McConnell for lecturing corporate CEOs for speaking out against, and one taking direct action against, voter suppression laws in Georgia and a slew of other Republican led states.

‘Stay out of politics’ warned McConnell. ‘Don’t pick sides in these big fights’, he warned. There will be ‘consequences’, he warned. While he didn’t elaborate on what those consequences might be, rest assured it will not be him calling for the end of Citizens United.

Au contraire, mon frère. McConnell has long fought for the freedom for Corporate Speech – read, Corporate Dollars – to flow freely throughout this freedom loving free country of ours; of course, that corporate freedom infrastructure constructed, mostly, in Republican-led states.

Now, it’s not like the corporations that spoke out last week had suddenly found a patriotic conscience. They made statements alright. The statements were bottom-line decisions.


McConnell Has Another Grab-For-Power Orgasm

Posted here 2021.06.14

Determined To Reach That Pleasure Spot

It’s The Only Thing That Matters To Him

During an interview with a conservative radio show, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell gave notice that he will repeat the anti-democracy stunt he pulled on President Obama and not allow President Biden to seat a Justice on the Supreme Court in 2022 or 2024 if Republicans take control of the Senate.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell tells @hughhewitt he would not allow President Biden to fill a SCOTUS vacancy in 2024 if he is majority leader. pic.twitter.com/9gYAqXmyQD— The Recount (@therecount) June 14, 2021


McConnell’s Big Fear: If You Let It, Democracy Works

Posted here 2022-01-04

McConnell Thinks Fighting For Voting Rights Is ‘Radicalism’ – And Not The Good Kind

U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Tuesday laid bare his reasoning for vehemently defending the use of the legislative filibuster, which the Republican Party has used in the past several months to block two major pieces of voting rights legislation—both of which would have kept the GOP from continuing its voter suppression push across the country.

“It appears that the majority leader [Chuck Schumer’s (D-N.Y.)] is hell-bent on trying to break the Senate, and the argument is that somehow state legislatures are busily at work trying to make it more difficult for people to vote,” McConnell said, suggesting that legislatures in 19 states have not passed at least 34 restrictive voting laws in the past year, as the Brennan Center for Justice has reported at length.


Will Biden Ever Learn

Posted here 2022-07-06

Just days after the far-right Conservative Cabal on the U.S. Supreme Court took away a woman’s right to control her own reproductive decisions, and health, the President of the United States reportedly has made a deal with Republican Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky to nominate far-right anti-abortion lawyer and Federalist Society member Chad Meredith to a lifetime Federal judicial appointment.

Representative John Yarmuth, Kentucky’s only congressional Democrat, confirmed to The Louisville Courier-Journal that Meredith will be nominated to the federal bench. Yarmuth, and other sources, told the paper the nomination is evidently part of a deal with McConnell, to not obstruct Biden’s future federal nominations.

“Given that a judicial position isn’t currently open on the Eastern District Court, it’s clear that this is part of some larger deal on judicial nominations between the president and Mitch McConnell,” Yarmuth told the Courier-Journal. “I strongly oppose this deal and Meredith being nominated for the position. That last thing we need is another extremist on the bench.”


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