WayBack Wednesday: Mike Johnson’s Porn Problem and Other Stuff

It is one of U.S. Speaker of the House Mike Johnson’s most sacred missions: helping you and me quit porn. Yes, Johnson said he and his son use an app that ‘helps you live porn-free with confidence’.

Mike, if you need an app to keep your johnson free from porn, you need more than an app for help. Just sayin’.

And speaking of porn, Speaker of the House Johnson insists that the current southern border deal, with inclusions of support to Ukraine and Israel is, ‘dead in the water’.

Multiple sources report Johnson’s position comes directly from Trump not wanting any border deal passed because that would help Biden in the November election.

If these issues don’t have you questioning Mike Johnson’s policy intentions, this should; the Speaker (a known Christian Nationalist) has alarmed religious and secular leaders that he ‘might seek to erode elements of the first amendment, which protects key US civil liberties including freedom of religion and the separation of church and state’.

These issue positions of Mike Johnson generate many questions about his fitness to be second in line to the presidency of the United States of America.

A couple more questions about Johnson’s fitness



Mike Johnson’s Sneaky Bible

Posted here 2023-12-0

Mike Johnson has said more than once that the best way to get to know what he’s all about is to read the bible. By reading the bible, he says, we will learn how he feels about any issue because the bible is his guide.

I was exposed to biblical studies and stories at university but am not a religious person. Nothing against religion or bibles, per se, just not interested.

But every once in a while, somebody or some thing loudly declares the righteousness of their words and actions by using a/the bible as finality; then it becomes interesting. And most often we find that that righteousness is just bullshit.

Such is the case with Mike Johnson and his bible.

As Johnson’s biblical ‘soul’ along with his ‘biblical’ agenda becomes clearer, more than one Christian commentator has asked: ‘What bible is he reading’?

That’s a good question.


Mike Johnson vs America

Words and Music: Contradictions On Display

Posted here 2023-10-27

Mike Johnson, the newly seated Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, now second in line to the Oval Office, was first elected to the House in 2016. The far-right four-term Republican Rep from Louisiana has a history that could be of concern to many, many American citizens (sarcasm noted).

For example, a bit of Johnson:

He led efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

He voted for a national abortion ban.

He has called for criminalizing gay sex.

He is a known Christian Nationalist; has called for “Biblically-sanctioned government.”

He supports repealing the Affordable Care Act ― a.k.a. Obamacare …

… Any doubts about that, read the 2019 proposal from the Republican Study Committee, which at the time Johnson was leading.

The word ‘repeal‘ appears only a few times, always in a narrow context. But the pieces of repeal legislation are all there.

These three in particular stand out:

> A Rollback Of Preexisting Condition Protections

> An End To Medicaid Expansion

> Large Cuts To ‘Traditional’ Medicaid Also



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