WayBack Wednesday: Do We Learn or Do We Perish

Rarely do corporate broadcast or print media lead with or publish in detail stories about the growing and real danger of the United States becoming a ‘Hitler’ or ‘Mussolini’-like nation. Let’s face it, most corporate media outlets continue to commit journalistic malpractice; reminiscent of media ‘coverage’ during The House of Un-American Activities scam/frenzy.

That’s why it is imperative that Americans seek media outlets willing to take on the truth about what’s happening in the country.

Recent examples are clear warnings about the ongoing dangers to the American Experiment.

From CrooksAndLiars.com

DeSantis Fascism Prevails Via Nuisance Legislation

From CommonDreams.org

Trump Calls US Democracy a ‘Very Dangerous System’ at CPAC

From MotherJones.com

A CPAC Speaker Wants Transgenderism “Eradicated”


… Then there’s these journalistic exceptions from The New York Times and from USA Today with related link:


Trump Plans to Expand Presidential Power Over Agencies in 2025

Donald J. Trump and his allies are planning a sweeping expansion of presidential power over the machinery of government if voters return him to the White House in 2025, reshaping the structure of [Government]…

  • Bringing the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Communications Commission under his control.
  • Inpounding any funds appropriated by Congress for anything he doesn’t like.
  • Wants to strip employment protections from civil servants, making it easier to replace them if they oppose his agenda.
  • Remove those he deems disloyal from the intelligence agencies.


USA Today:

America on the brink? Trump’s plan if elected in 2024 should frighten us all.

A government purged of those loyal to the Constitution rather than to Donald Trump will send free and fair elections to history’s landfill, along with the Bill of Rights

“Trump plans include reshaping the structure of the executive branch to concentrate far greater authority directly in his hands.” That expansion, per the Times, involves “increasing the president’s authority over every part of the federal government that now operates, by either law or tradition, with any measure of independence from political interference by the White House… .”


Here at KaneSpeak, we have been posting our views about this scary topic since 2018. Below are related stories (a few from 2021 and 2022 only):

~~ WBW ~~

United States And Weimar: Two Republics, One Failed One Failing

Yes, The Hitler Playbook IS The Republican Uschla Playbook

Comprehension and Accommodation

Adolph DeSantis Has Storm Troops Arrest, Detain Citizen – ‘Cus He Felt Like It

Revealing A Straight Line

History Can and Does Repeat Itself – When Allowed

Dictator Wannabe Platform 2022/2024

The Playbook Reads Familiar

The United States of America

History Is Our Teacher; We Learn or We Perish



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