WayBack Wednesday: Fair to Compare?

Alarms Sounding as ‘Fascist, Anti-Choice’ DeSantis Launches Presidential Campaign

“From his hostility toward racial equity and LGBTQ+ rights, to book bans, to one of the most draconian abortion bans on record, he poses an immense threat to our freedoms and our country’s most vulnerable communities”




Similarities? Undeniable!

Posted here 2021.10.24

School Board Protests Are Not Grassroots Movement, Are Not Spontaneous

What’s also at risk is the viability of our democracy and the public education system that can either support, uphold, and strengthen it, or be destroyed through the carefully orchestrated, deep-pocketed campaign we are now witnessing.

Conservatives are disrupting school board meetings by shouting, using Nazi salutes, and even physically assaulting anyone they disagree with. But these attacks are anything but spontaneous.


Is It Fair To Compare?

Posted here 2021-08-12

“It’s not about comparing them. It’s more about seeing what happened before in history and what’s happening now or in the last few years”

A new documentary takes a deep dive into the historic and current fascination with Hitler and Nazism, displaying for us what it means for the future of democracy as a model of cultural and political influence.


Story Remains The Same

Posted here 2020-06-02

Propaganda machines in all totalitarian countries habitually depict the dictator as the saviour of his people from some danger real, or more usually imaginary, and as the man of action who decides what is best for his country with clarity of mind and singleness of purpose, and can always rely on his orders being carried out with devotion and meticulous care by an army of well-disciplined robots. So it was with Hitler.




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