Wednesday WayBack: Cowards On Record. Some Things Never Change

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Coward(s) Called Out

Posted here 2021.10.09

In a recent Fox News piece, the writer did what cowards at that outlet do – they attack with outright lies and misleading stories. This one was particularly cowardly as the POS writer went after Senator Tammy Duckworth with his bullshit.

The writer tried to paint Duckworth as having done something wrong or maybe even illegal, with the headline: Democrat Tammy Duckworth slammed for getting tax break on her Illinois home. He wrote that Senator Duckworth had not paid property taxes on her home in Illinois since 2015.

Tammy Duckworth is a U.S. Army disabled combat veteran and a recipient of a Purple Heart, who legally qualifies for the Illinois property tax break. Period! She lost both legs and the use of an arm when her helicopter was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade in 2004.

Obviously an outstanding soldier and brave woman, Tammy Duckworth gave birth in 2018, making the 50-year-old the first U.S. senator to give birth while in office.

Response to the trash piece was quick and on point. Here are few:

Utterly trash headline, even by Fox News standards. Duckworth is tax exempt in her county as a disabled veteran who lost both of her legs in Iraq in 2004 when her helicopter was hit by an RPG J.D. Simkins (@simkins_jd) October 3, 2021

Senator Duckworth lost both legs & partial use of her arm in combat serving our union. The VA rates her as 70%+ disabled, & thus eligible for a full property tax exemption for disabled veterans in Illinois. Does @FoxNews oppose exemptions for disabled veterans? – Alex Howard (@digiphile) October 3, 2021

Fox News attacks disabled veteran over use of disabled veteran benefits … Bardella (@kurtbardella) October 3, 2021

She’s missing limbs from combat service and is exempt from property taxes like any disabled veteran in Illinois. Is this Fox News advocating for rolling back veterans benefits? That seems newsworthy. – Fred Wellman (@FPWellman) October 3, 2021

What?!? . @FoxNews is Attacking a DISABLED VETERAN For getting US Government BENEFITS?!?! Tammy Duckworth is a HERO! WTF is wrong with you #Foxnews? ? u support TRUMP not paying taxes but ATTACK a disabled Vet getting BENEFITS? Daniel Newman (@DanielNewman) October 3, 2021


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