Friday Serenade: Repubs Sure Luvs Them Some Putin

House Repubs’ “Commitment to America” – Your Eyes Ain’t Lyin’

Led by Kevin McCarthy, House Republicans on Friday were very proud to release to the world their newest and bestest plans for America’s future. They call it ‘The Preamble to the Commitment to America’; with a video and narrator presenting soul capturing scenes of everyday American life.


There’s only one very large problem: the scenes are stock images from scenes in Russia, and one from Ukraine.

And, the video was created by Serg Grbanoff – he’s a Russia-based filmmaker.


Story and images via HuffPost

Image 1 – House Republicans used stock footage of a drilling rig in Russia in their video celebrating their vision for America in 2023. Shutterstock/House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s YouTube Page

Image 2 – Here is a boy holding a toy airplane who appears in a video from House Republicans celebrating American exceptionalism. This boy was actually filmed in Russia. Shutterstock/House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s YouTube Page

Image 3 – The video from House Republicans also featured this woman walking through a European grocery store. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s YouTube Page

Image 4 – Republicans almost certainly used video footage from Ukraine in their video celebrating America. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy’s YouTube page



Just Your Fool    /    Rolling Stones


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