Wednesday WayBack: Misplaced Loyalties Will Tear Out Your Heart

Yes, Liz Cheney did a good job as Vice Chair of the January 6 Committee. The Congresswoman from Wyoming, like no other on the committee, made clear to everyone that her mission was not only to hold the former president accountable for his actions related to the attempted coup, but to destroy politically the twice-impeached former president. Good for her.

Cheney was called brave, a hero, because her stance on the Committee surely would cause a defeat in her reelection bid to the House. It did. She got beat hard. In a concession speech on Wednesday which read more like a manifesto with polite political speak added for media talking points, Cheney said she intends to continue on her mission to stop Donald Trump.

Now there is talk of a presidential run in 2024; or maybe 2028. Media outlets, both left and right of centre, are readying headlines at this moment. Damn, even 59% of Democrats have a favourable view of Liz Cheney.

Democrats need to be careful.

During her failed Senate campaign, Liz Cheney said in July 2013 that she intended to be a vocal and steadfast opponent of President Barack Obama’s policies if elected to the U.S. Senate.

“We have to not be afraid of being called obstructionists. Obstructing President Obama’s policies and his agenda isn’t actually obstruction, it’s patriotism.”

Cheney added that Obama “literally declared war” on gun-ownership rights, religious freedoms, the freedom of speech and Wyoming ranchers and energy workers who are affected by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regulations.

Nothing has changed. That’s the real Liz Cheney.

So is this…

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Hey Dems, LizCon Is Not Your Friend. Please, Just Stop!

Posted here 2021.05.13

Swooning Over Liz

Liz Cheney voted with the former occupant of the White House 93% of the time. She is anti-everything Democrats (are supposed to) stand for. Just because she did this one thing – say no to the Big Lie – does not make her a friend of Democrats.

She is smart, she knows what she wants, she is relentless. And if you don’t pay attention she will crush your soul and tear out your heart.


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