Peterson. Jefferies. Bufogle.
Despite all of the chatter, there is little to no indication that a psychiatric diagnosis has any predictive value when it comes to gun violence. Being diagnosed with illness [x] can give you information about what treatments might be appropriate, but it doesn’t tell you whether someone will engage in behaviour [y] six months from now.
Attempts to restrict gun access for people who’ve been hospitalized for psychiatric reasons don’t “work” to stop mass shootings because those people are not the source of the problem. Ashley L. Peterson.
In Australia, we had guns, right? Right up until 1996. In 1996, Australia had the biggest massacre on Earth. It still hasn’t been beaten. And… Now, after that, they banned the guns. Now, in the 10 years before Port Arthur, there was 10 massacres. Since the gun ban in 1996, there hasn’t been a single massacre since. I don’t know how or why this happened, uh… Maybe it was a coincidence, right? Now, please understand that I understand that Australia and America are two vastly different cultures with different people, right? I get it. In Australia, we had the biggest massacre on Earth, and the Australian government went, “That’s it! No more guns!” And we all went, “Yeah, all right, then. That seems fair enough, really.” Now, in America, you had the Sandy Hook massacre where little, tiny children died, and your government went, “Maybe… we’ll get rid of the big guns?” And 50% of you went, “Fuck you! Don’t take my guns! Jim Jefferies.
To all the kids from the “special” reading class back in high school (the one where you tried to form words using wooden blocks) — PLEASE stop telling me that I can’t blame an “inanimate object” for the off-the-hook gun violence in this country. YES! … I CAN!!! I blame all the “inanimate objects” in Congress who refuse to pass sensible gun legislation because they’re too chicken-shit to take on the gun lobby.
“Forget the National Debt Clock. We need an electronic billboard to track all the daily shootings in this country. I’m really sick of listening to all the mouth breathers who soil their camouflage pants every time someone suggests we might have a gun problem. Other countries have crazy, violent people. What they don’t have is [over] 300,000,000 WMDs and a gun show loophole that allows any psycho with a valid credit card to own ’em. Quentin R. Bufogle.