Monday Ménage: Edition Honour, Assumptions, and Revolution

Blatch. Linkola. Khaled.

Perhaps some day men will raise a tablet reading in letters of gold: ‘All honor to women, the first disenfranchised class in history who, unaided by any political party, won enfranchisement by its own effort … and achieved the victory without the shedding of a drop of human blood. All honor to women of the world! Harriot Eaton Stanton Blatch.

It is an assumption brought forth countless of times in various contexts that the world would be better, drifting slower towards the ruin, if women had the “power”; if political leadership, decision making, government and economic life was in the hands of women. I think reality, the observation material, supports the assumption. Pentti Linkola.

I have learned that a woman can be a fighter, a freedom fighter, a political activist, and that she can fall in love, and be loved, she can be married, have children, be a mother… Revolution must mean life also; every aspect of life. Leila Khaled.

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