Wednesday WayBack: America, Been Here Before

GOP Takes Dump On America, Again

‘Former U.S. President Donald Trump and former U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo praised Russian President Vladimir Putin’s strategy in Ukraine. Pompeo, in a February 18, 2022 interview, said Putin is “very shrewd, very capable. I have enormous respect for him” and referred to the Russian president as a “elegantly sophisticated counterpart.” Trump referred to Putin’s strategy in Ukraine as “genius,” and wished Putin’s “peacekeeper” forces could be used on the United States’ Southern border’. Here


UPDATE: Russian TV Celebrates Pompeo’s Praise Of Putin

via Crooks and Liars

“For first time in US history, a former CIA director and US Secretary of State was used as Russian propaganda — as Mike Pompeo celebrated Vladimir Putin invading a sovereign nation.”

CNN reported that Russian TV simply loved Mike Pompeo’s effusive praise of Vladimir Putin. They are playing his compliments on their airwaves non-stop.




Posted here 2021.07.06

There’s No Coincidence In Politics!


On 6 July in 1854, the Republican Party was officially organized in Jackson, Michigan.

On 6 July 1923, the Central Executive Committee accepted the Treaty of Union and the Russian Empire became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

On 6 July 2021, six months after the deadly insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, all but a few of elected members of the Republican Party increase their blast of propaganda; now insisting there was no insurrection, no deadly assault by domestic terrorists on the seat of American Democracy, and certainly no one tried to overturn the legitimate election and inauguration of November 2020.

And on this day, Lenin and Stalin would be very proud of the elephant-adorned Republican Party, and Vladimir Putin is smiling and singing and sunning at one of his many dachas, or perhaps, having already sunned enough, strategising his U.S. 2024 election plans at one of his six residents in Russia (including one that was built for Joey Stalin).


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