Wednesday WayBack: White Nationalists and Their Motherland

Moscow Mitch McConnell’s outrage yesterday at Democrats’ radicalism – fighting for the right for every eligible citizen to vote – is not anything new. Far-right Republicans have long turned to Russia and the former Soviet Union as model for governance. One might say, the modern day versions of these far-right, white nationalist groups have boners for Putin.


Posted here 2018 . 08 . 15

Banana Republic-ans and Their Oh So White Motherland

As more and more House and Senate Republicans do their dumpster dive into (thwarting) the Mueller investigation, we must remember that Banana-Republicans have long had a luv affair with Putin and Russia.

Prior to the current cult of Putin-lovers, George w. Bush ‘looked into Putin’s eyes’ and soon the two  became best friends.

“I’ve always been able to read people”, said Bush. When he first met Vladimir Putin, W. added, “I looked in his eyes and saw his soul”.


More here: White Nationalists and Their Russian Outreach Operation


Poster here 2018 . 10 . 19

Well, There It Is…

Putin, with a smile: US Global Dominance Is ‘Almost Done’.

In a foreign policy speech on Thursday night (2018.10.18) in Sochi, Russian President Vladimir Putin called the United States an ‘empire’, adding: the United States “often think they can make some little mistakes … because they’re so powerful. But when the number of these mistakes keeps growing, it reaches a level they cannot sustain.”

Later, responding to a question on nuclear weapons, Putin said Russia wouldn’t use nuclear weapons in a preemptive strike, but “retaliation is inevitable” and that Russians “as victims of aggression, as martyrs, will go to heaven.”

More here and here


Posted here 2019 . 03 . 25

Maybe, Just Maybe, U.S. Attorney General Barr didn’t take a look at THE GIANT RUSSIA-TRUMP-MUELLER TIMELINE.

It Begins…

1998 / Russia defaults on its debt. Wealthy Russians invest overseas.

1999-2000 / Trump considers presidential run.

2001 / Apartments in Manhattan’s new Trump World Tower attract many Russian buyers.

The full PBS Timeline here, 1998 to March 22, 2019


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