Manchin Once Again Tells Us Who He Is. It’s Really Time To Believe Him

POS DINO Manchin – The Senator Who Doesn’t Give A Fuck About Anyone But Himself, And His Corporate Sponsors

After months of negotiations, after months of promising he was negotiating in good faith, coal multi-millionaire Senator Joe Manchin now says he will vote NO on the Build Back Better Act. The Corporate-Democrat of West Virginia made the announcement Sunday on Fox News.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki responded on Sunday afternoon saying Manchin’s comments were “at odds” with what he has said to administration officials and that the White House believed Manchin had been working in “good faith” to reach an agreement.

“If his comments on Fox and written statement indicate an end to that effort, they represent a sudden and inexplicable reversal in his position, and a breach of his commitments to the President and the Senator’s colleagues in the House and Senate. Just as Senator Manchin reversed his position on Build Back Better this morning, we will continue to press him to see if he will reverse his position yet again, to honor his prior commitments and be true to his word”.

Really? The Biden Administration will continue this charade? REALLY? Ya gotta laugh and/or vomit at how serious this we-will-compromise-our-way-to-victory White House takes itself.

Progressive Democrats had a few words to say about Manchin and to struggling American voters.

“This is exactly what we warned would happen if we separated Build Back Better from infrastructure”, Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.).

“When a handful of us in the House warned this would happen if Dem leaders gave Manchin everything he wanted 1st by moving BIF before BBB instead of passing together, many ridiculed our position. Maybe they’ll believe us next time. Or maybe people will just keep calling us naïve”. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Rep. Cori Bush, House progressive who voted against the infrastructure bill, argued on Sunday that Democrats had leverage over moderates like Manchin. “And what did the caucus do? We tossed it”.

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.), Chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, voted for the infrastructure bill with the understanding that Manchin would get to “yes” in talks with Biden; She was not happy on Sunday:

“Today, Senator Manchin has betrayed his commitment not only to the President and Democrats in Congress but most importantly, to the American people. He routinely touts that he is a man of his word, but he can no longer say that. West Virginians, and the country, see clearly who he is”.


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