Reminder: The Past Becoming Our Present

But There’s Still A Chance To Alter Our Course, It Must Be With Every Move We Make


This is sick behavior from Rep. Paul Gosar. He tweeted out the video showing him killing Rep. Ocasio-Cortez from both his official account and personal account. In any workplace in America, if a coworker made an anime video killing another coworker, that person would be fired. Ted Lieu (@tedlieu) November 9, 2021 


This man should not serve in Congress. Fantasizing about violently attacking your colleagues has no place in our political discourse and society. Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) November 9, 2021


Rep Gosar should be stripped of his committees and be censured. He is unfit to serve in public office. Jackie Speier (@RepSpeier) November 9, 2021


Happy Monday in America, where @GOPLeader McCarthy’s colleague just posted a video of himself swinging two swords at President Biden. These blood thirsty losers are more comfortable with violence than voting. Keep exposing them. Rep. Eric Swalwell (@RepSwalwell) November 8, 2021



Light A Candle    /    Neil Young


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