Monday Ménage With A Plus One: Edition Stand Up, Move Forward, Power Change

Taryam. Sealy. Huerta. Valenti.


There needs to be a fundamental shift in the way societies view women in government, one that does not see them as mere seat-fillers or stats on a chart, they must be viewed as a vital contributing factor to the betterment of the world. And that is the ultimate goal, to elect politicians who strive to implement laws that are blind to gender differences and whose ultimate goal is to create fair and just societies, that is how it works. Aysha Taryam , Newspaper Editor (UAE), writer, activist.


Women have always had to be creative about making limited resources work to sustain themselves and their families. They understand what it means to make the hard decisions and to just get on with it. That is why it is imperative for women not just to be the ones dusting off the table but, crafting its legs for our world to stand on. Sandra Sealy, American writer, poet.


We do need women in civic life. We do need women to run for office, to be in political office. We need a feminist to be at the table when decisions are being made so that the right decisions will be made. Dolores Huerta, American labor activist and co-founder of the National Farmworkers Association.


The important thing is that we are participating-whether it’s by running, voting, or supporting (financially or otherwise) candidates who make a difference to women. Don’t leave shit up to others, ’cause that’s how we get fucked over. Jessica Valenti, American writer.


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