Is This a Trick Question?

Is There a Republican Alive Who Still Believes in Democracy?

Republican state governments are currently passing laws to restrict Democrats from voting in the future, while taking care not to suppress the Republican vote. The 2013 Supreme Court [5-4] decision repealing part of the Voting Rights Act makes it easier for states to pass restrictive voting laws that disproportionately prevent marginalized groups from voting—which is increasingly Republicans’ stated intent. **

And what if these Republicans, these same loyalists supportive of a coup gain enough power to carry it out? What then?

To further make their point, senate Republicans once again used the filibuster on Wednesday to stymie Democratic efforts to pass a significant voting rights bill. It’s the fourth time it’s happened this year, the most recent coming just two weeks ago.

It might be a good idea for the anti-democracy Republicans to remember these words by Winston Churchill about appeasing a power-hungry authoritarian ruler:

“Each one hopes that if he feeds the crocodile enough, it will eat him last”.



** from

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