Another DINO Manchin Self-Own

But, He Is Making A Lot Of Money Off Them


When asked by a CNN reporter to respond to Senator Bernie Sanders accusing him of holding up the Biden agenda, Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia said:

“No, no. There’s 52 senators who don’t agree, okay. And there’s two that want to work something out if possible in a most rational reasonable way”.

No, no, Senator Manchin. While you are a right-wing coal millionaire, you are a registered Democrat and you do represent West Virginia as a Democratic senator. You, along with that batshit crazy Senator from Arizona Kyrsten Sinema, are two of 50 senators that sit with Democrats and are the only two Democrats trying so fuking hard to kill the Biden agenda.

FYI, Senator Manchin, the other 50 senators that currently make up the United States Senate are Republicans.

As made clear yesterday by John Amato at Crooks and Liars:

Doesn’t Manchin understand that if he destroys these two major pieces of legislation he and Kyrsten Sinema will have no power at all when they help lose control of the Senate in 2022? Are they practicing for that time?


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