C- Is Close To A Fail

“Biden’s bold vision during the campaign won’t be met if his administration leaves large chunks of Trump’s pro-polluter legacy intact.” Brett Hartl, Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund.

President Joe Biden’s failure so far to reverse the vast majority of environmental regulatory rollbacks enacted by his predecessor, and his support for a number of pipeline projects, has environmentalists concerned.

The Center for Biological Diversity Action Fund (CBD) has issued a six-month report card (pdf) on Biden’s environmental agenda. President Biden receives a C- for his first six months and “Needs Improvement.”

From the report:

The Biden administration had a strong start out of the gate, but complacency and inertia could stymy further progress on his climate and environmental goals. Without a continued and sustained effort in the next 12-18 months, any potential environmental legacy could easily be erased.

Despite the ambitious vision set forth during the campaign, six months into his first term a great deal of President Biden’s environmental agenda appears to be in jeopardy. Overall the Biden administration has failed to take any action on seven of 25 campaign promises. The
administration has started work on 13 promises and fully achieved just five goals set forth during the campaign. Even if all the remaining policy items that have been started are eventually completed as promised, this would mean that only 72% of the campaign promises would be achieved.



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