Blue and Red: The Game

So, Senate Republicans kill For the People Act, the legislation that promised to protect American citizens’ right to vote, thereby saving a fragile U.S. democracy. But all 50 senate Republicans said NO! All 50 senate Republicans led by Mitch McConnell said, well, ya know, that voting-rights thing, that Democracy thing, it’s a transactional thing.

When in power, Republicans insist it’s a righteous-America thing. When Democrats hold the Sceptre, Republicans insist that insisting that voting rights with free and fair elections is a constitutionally guaranteed freedom for all citizens of the United States of America is simply nothing more than unholy tyranny fraught with evils unseen in the history of mankind.

But, we knew Republicans were going to kill the legislation and any debate on it. McConnell promised!


“We are literally seeing this very direct undermining of our democracy. And if that goes unchecked, I am very concerned about the future of our democracy” Tiffany Muller, president of End Citizens United and Let America Vote.


And so, Democrats played the game. They got Republicans on the record. Did Democrats really want this important and much needed piece of legislation to pass the Senate and advance to the desk of President Biden? Maybe. But maybe not. Maybe the ‘process’ was just to get a Republican vote against the bill thus giving Democrats a campaign issue.

No? Why then, within a hour of the successful and dangerous block by Senate Republicans, did I and I’m sure many, many more receive email(s) from Senator Chuck Schumer’s ‘team’ asking for donations so that shattered Democrats can regroup and fight for my voting rights?

Are you fuking kidding me?

You can’t win if you play to lose. Democrats played. The game was rigged, Democrats knew it, Democrats played anyway. So, no, you’re not getting any of my money. Not a dime. Not a dollar. Not until you demonstrate to ALL of America and the world that you have the proverbial balls to make a stand and fight For The People!

Yeah, I’m not going to hold my breath.


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