Let The Spin Begin

Hey Joes, You Can’t Blame Mitch


As expected, on Friday Senate Republicans killed legislation to put in place an independent 9/11-style commission to investigate the 6 January 2021 day-long domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol of the United States of America.

Republicans even ignored pleas by the family of the Capitol Police officer who died a day after being attacked by the Trump-supporting armed domestic terrorists.

The vote in the senate was 54 to 35 – only six Republicans voted with Democrats. Moreover, any further debate on the legislation was stopped by filibuster ‘rules’, a tactic of which Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell is the master.

But we knew he would do it. How many times has he done it. When he says he’s going to do it, believe him. It’s going to happen. The filibuster will bust anything Mitch chooses.

Sure, Democrats can blame McConnell, but why bother; especially when he was essentially permitted to do what he promised he would. There are two people who deserve the blame: Senator Joe Manchin and President Joe Biden!

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.): “If we can’t agree to an independent commission investigating the first armed insurrection at the Capitol in our nation’s history then something is bad wrong. And that something is the filibuster”.

Both Biden and Manchin on numerous occasions have said they believe in the ‘process’. Both have said they believe McConnell-led Republicans would eventually take the righteous path and do what’s best for the country, for the people.

Well, once again, Democrats are played and owned by Republicans.

Way to go Joes!


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