The ‘Kremlin Cruz’ Backstory

On his Friday night show, The 11th Hour, Brian Williams said ‘Cancun Cruz’ probably would not like his new handle, ‘Kremlin Cruz’, after the Republican Senator from Texas attacked the “woke” (KC’s word) American military and shared a Russian propaganda video meant to portray Kremlin soldiers as super-troopers and the U.S. military as “emasculated” (KC’s word) because of women serving in the U.S. armed forces.

It’s not the first time Cruz has pushed The Kremlin Story. In early December 2109, the senator with the face that everybody wants to punch – not advocating, just stating what is known to be so – backed Kremlin propaganda meant to frame Ukraine for Russia’s attack on U.S. 2016 elections. He went so far as to go on one of those Sunday talk-news shows and declare that Ukraine had blatantly interfered in the U.S. elections.

Cruz was asked: “Do you believe Ukraine meddled in the American election in 2016?” Cruz: “I do. And I think there’s considerable evidence of that”. Cruz was asked: “You do? You do?” Cruz answered: “Yes!”

Kremlin Cruz was, of course, pushing the unhinged agenda of the two-time impeached most recent former occupant of the U.S. White House, himself thought to be deep in the pocket of Russia’s autocratic ‘leader’.

But, as repugnant as it is, this little bit of recent history is not the real Cruz backstory. That story is found elsewhere in the person of a walking, talking, breathing, Ted Cruz.

On Monday, March 23, 2015, Ted Cruz announced he was running for President of the United States of America.

He cried to the audience at conservative Liberty University (where students were told they would be fined if they didn’t attend the spectacle) to “imagine in 2017 the new president signing legislation repealing every word of Obamacare.” He was, of course, imagining the new president to be himself.

Cruz had shouted and shrilled against Obamacare for years. He called the law illegal.

On Tuesday, March 24, 2015, one-day-old presidential candidate Republican Senator Ted Cruz of Texas said he was signing up for Obamacare. You see, his wife was taking an unpaid leave of absence from her job at Goldman Sachs and would no longer be able to cover little Teddy’s healthcare.

“We will presumably go on the exchange and sign up for health care and we’re in the process of transitioning over to do that,” said Ted Cruz.

During the Republican presidential primary in 2016, candidate Donald Trump claimed that Cruz’s father was involved, with Lee Harvey Oswald, in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.

That was a Trump lie. He was repeating a National Enquirer story which claimed there was a picture of Rafael Cruz with Oswald in New Orleans in 1963. Another lie.

Then, following more attacks on the Cruz family and questions about his citizenship – Cruz came from Canada, Trump called Cruz’s wife, Heidi, ugly. Trump had used Twitter to circulate, with comments, an (unflattering) picture of Heidi Cruz – alongside a (retouched) picture of his wife, Melania. The images made the rounds – all over the world.

Wait, there’s more. One year later, after his father’s name was dragged through the slimy National Enquirer/Trump swamp, after his wife was called ugly by Trump and passed around Twitter to become a world-wide meme, Ted Cruz took his wife, that same wife, to a public dinner with the same guy that had publicly called his wife ugly!

Not too long ago, when Texans, with no power, no heat, no electricity, no safe drinking water, very little food – when dozens upon dozens of people froze to death, including an 11-year old boy during horrendous winter storms, Senator Cruz took off to tropical Cancun, Mexico. OK, bad enough. However, when busted over his disgusting behaviour, Coward Cancun Cruz blamed his children for his actions.

Days later, when called out from around the world for throwing his kids – his daughters – under the bus, when called the piece of shit that he is, this pathetic low-life had to find a new rationale for the blowback.

It wasn’t that he deserted his constituents during a horrific once in a decade winter death storm that was the problem, nor that he told the world that it was his pre-teen daughters’ fault, no, the new rationale for his problems was – it’s the media’s fault. The media was picking on him, Cruz insisted.

The POS fell back on the not so new Republican scam of playing the victim – forget what your eyes and ears know to be the truth and look to the media that’s showing and telling you the truth, they’re the bad guys.

That’s the Cruz backstory. It’s a story of a coward.

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