Chaos, Crisis And The Death Of Democracy

Questions and Answers


On morning, noon, evening and nightime talk-news shows, recent conversations have centered on the Republican Party’s absolute opposition to any and all of the Biden agenda.

The leading question among the hosts and guests and experts is, Why? Why are Republicans in the Senate backing their dear leader McConnell when he vows no Republican will vote for the very popular Biden $2 trillion much-needed infrastructure plan? Why did no Republican vote for Biden’s very popular and much-needed Covid relief package?

What’s in it for them, now or in the future, it’s asked? What could Republicans possibly gain from being the party of obstruction, from being against everything and for nothing?

It came as no surprise to anyone when Senator McConnell said he and forty-nine more Republicans would do absolutely nothing to forward the infrastructure plan. But like the Covid relief package, President Biden and Senate Democrats are prepared to go it alone, and with Senate rules as they stand, Dems have the means and opportunity.

Republicans know that. But with House and Senate Republicans it’s not about the Covid plan, the infrastructure plan, nor is it about any other Biden/Schumer/Democratic plan.

It’s about chaos. The McConnell/Fox/Republican plan is about creating as much disruption and chaos and fear as possible. It’s the same blueprint, same plan used in the 1930s.


* William Sherdian Allen, The Nazi Seizure Of Power. 1964, 1984.

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