No Surprises Here



Declassified Intelligence Report released to the public says Russian President Vladimir Putin authorized “influence operations aimed at denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party, supporting Trump, undermining public confidence in the electoral process and exacerbating socio-political divisions in the U.S”.

No one with an IQ over 36 is saying ‘OMG I’m so surprised by this revelation’ but the document does provide a deeper dive into how far Putin, Russian intelligence, Trump, Trump friends and allies went and were willing to go to get him reelected.

A side note: I find it interesting how mainstream media and independent outlets worked their headlines. Here’s a few; (it’s official, one stands out above all others):

Intelligence Report: Russia Tried To Help Trump In 2020 Election / NPR

US intelligence report says Russia used Trump allies to influence 2020 election with goal of ‘denigrating’ Biden / CNN

Russian Interference in 2020 Included Influencing Trump Associates, Report Says / NYT

Putin targeted people close to Trump in bid to influence 2020 election, U.S. intelligence says / WP

It’s Official: Trump And Allies Acted As Russian Assets During 2020 Election Cycle / Crooks and

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