Three Stooges: This Is The Republican Party

One is a miscreant. One is a an educated dumb ass and tough-guy wannabe. And one is, well, one is Ted Cruz.

Marjorie Taylor Greene, first term Republican House member from Georgia, is a right-wing extremist, a racist, a terrorist, and a leader of the Everything-Is-A-Conspiracy caucus in the Republican Party. And, the Republican Party luvs them some Greene.

Green also ‘liked’ social media posts that suggested Speaker of the House and second in line to the Presidency, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), should be executed, along with FBI agents and others. In early 2019, Greene liked a social media post that said the “quicker” way to remove Pelosi from office would be a “bullet to the head”.

A vocal supporter of sickening, false claims that the mass shootings in Las Vegas (59 dead, over 500 injured) and Parkland, Fla. (17 students and faculty dead), were staged, Greene also has an online record of supporting the execution of Democratic leaders and agrees with right-wing extremist ideology that the FBI is a domestic terrorism threat.

Josh Hawley, senator from Missouri (since 2019), graduated from Stanford University and Yale Law School. During his short time in the Senate, Hawley has tried to cast himself as a mouth piece – for something, for anything. He found his role, as a stooge for the former occupant of the White House. Hawley was one of the 147 Republicans who voted to overturn the 2020 election results.

Hawley has also tried to portray himself as a tough guy. One recent example of that was on 6 January when he walked by a group of Capitol insurrectionists who were gathered a good distance away and gave them an in-solidarity clenched-fist salute with a laughable attempt at a stern look – on his obviously frightened face.

The tough-guy persona kind of fell flat when Hawley began his whining over being called out for his undemocratic actions. When publicly criticised for those actions Hawley played the poor picked-on victim, crying in an op-ed and to anyone who would listen that he was being “canceled” and “muzzled”.

But as Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) reminded him: “Sen. Hawley is trying to wiggle out of inciting a riot that killed 5 by saying ‘I was just representing my constituents’ – but only those who wish to overturn the election and resurrect the Confederacy”.

And then there is Rafael Edward (Ted) Cruz, the Republican senator from Texas, who, in my opinion, is some other kind of sycophant, some other kind of wannabe, some other kind of man.

His participation in the Republican-147 attempt to erase votes cast by millions of Americans was/is an assault on the very foundation of our democracy. His actions there are certainly worse than his lame speeches at the rally in Washington on 6 January. Though, for both, he should be removed from the Senate, and, in my opinion, arrested and put in prison.

But equally outrageous was the very public betrayal of his family, of his wife – which makes him some kind of other.

During the Republican presidential primary in 2016, a candidate by the name of Donald Trump claimed that Cruz’s father was involved, with Lee Harvey Oswald, in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. That was a Trump lie. He was repeating a National Enquirer story which claimed there was a picture of his father, Rafael Cruz, with Oswald in New Orleans in 1963. Another lie.

Then, following more attacks on his family, and on him, including questions about his citizenship, Trump called his wife, Heidi, ugly. Trump used Twitter to circulate, with comments, an (unflattering) picture of his wife – alongside a (retouched) picture of his own wife.

OK, maybe Trump attacking his father was easy for Cruz to give the POS a pass. But, man, the guy called his wife ugly, in public! The picture made the rounds – all over the world! One has to ask… What the fuck is wrong with this guy? A POS called his wife ugly!

That he took that is bad enough, it showed him as spineless, as a coward. But then a year later, Cruz took his wife to dinner with the guy who called his wife ugly, in public, to the whole world. That makes him, in my opinion, the lowest of the low; a fucking punk!

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