How Do You Like Me Now…

Trump Kills U.S. Troop Pay Raise

Donald Trump likes to rant about how much he loves the military; that he knows ‘military’, that he is ‘military’. Well, for the first time in 59 consecutive years, a president of the United States of America has vetoed the Annual Defense policy bill.

This action by Trump kills a 3% pay raise for U.S. troops and more than $740 billion for military programs and construction projects.

The bill is a guide for Pentagon policy and ‘cements decisions about troop levels, new weapons systems and military readiness, military personnel policy and other military goals and needs. Many programs can go into effect only if the bill is approved.’


The bill has bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress; enough support to override Trump’s veto. Will Congress act? Who the f**k knows… !


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