VA Workers Forced To Work Without Being Tested

If not showing symptoms, workers in the Veterans Affairs health system are being told to work – “potentially turning themselves into unwitting carriers of the disease who could spread it among millions of elderly and vulnerable patients.”

At his rallies, Trump has often boasted about his support for ‘our amazing veterans’, saying his Administration is being ‘very protective of our veterans’. “However, nurses, social workers and hospital staff across the VA system told Reveal from The Center for Investigative Reporting they lacked protective gear and were unable to get tested when they got sick or were exposed to a patient who tested positive.”

Yeah, I’m a Veteran and I’m pissed! Every family member of a Veteran, everyone who knows a Veteran, every Veteran, every active member of the Armed Forces of The United States of America, and every damn citizen of this country needs to be pissed and speak up!


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