Same Topic, Different Story, Same Image – 3

Propaganda machines in all totalitarian countries habitually depict the dictator as the saviour of his people from some danger real, or more usually imaginary, and as the man of action who decides what is best for his country with clarity of mind and singleness of purpose, and can always rely on his orders being carried out with devotion and meticulous care by an army of well-disciplined robots. So it was with Hitler.

From, Hitler: A Study in Personality and Politics, by William Carr (1978).

Read: Trump would never ‘go around’ U.S. law – but is trying to go around U.S. law. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. 

Read: Trump not wishing ‘violence toward anyone’ with 9/11 tweet. Sarah Huckabee Sanders. 

Read: Trump Was ‘Making A Joke’ When He Said He Loved Wikileaks (More than 140 times). Sarah Huckabee Sanders

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