Use It Or Lose It. Democracy Is Funny That Way

Like it or not, and I don’t, Donald Trump is president of the United States of America. In 2016 he lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes but received 304 Electoral College votes – 270 is required.

So, for at least one year and seven months more, we are stuck with him. The Special Counsel investigation and Congressional Committees won’t end his presidency before November 2020.

Our Democracy, then, rests in the hands of citizens by way of the vote. With that in mind, look at just some of the crap stuck to the current occupier of America’s Oval Office – just in the past week…

• The Republicans Don’t Care About Your Access to Health Care.

The week began with news that Trump’s Justice Department filed a legal brief arguing the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional.

• Betsy DeVos’ Proposed Education Cuts Go Way Deeper Than The Special Olympics.

“… advocates say the focus on the Special Olympics obscures the much deeper cuts DeVos is trying to make to other areas, even if it is an important program”.

• Republican Party will target reporters critical of Trump.

The Republican National Committee and pro-Trump super PAC America First plan to use intimidation tactics and harassment to defend President Donald Trump from journalists reporting facts they deem critical of the White House.

• Trump Mocks Asylum Seekers At Rally, Calls Process A ‘Big Fat Con Job’ –  video

• Trump spewes endless attacks…

At the Democratic party, at the Mueller investigation, at the media, and resorted to using profanity to fire up his rallygoers in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

• ‘Absurdly Craven’: McConnell Pursues New Nuclear Option on Judges.

“He’s TOTALLY DRUNK on his own power and just wants MORE.”

And if all that has you banging your head against a brick wall, well here’s a little gem that might make you repeatedly punch yourself in the face…

Trump apparently knows exactly what’s wrong with wind power. Wind power won’t work because wind “only blows sometimes”, he explained to Sean Hannity on Fox..


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