America In Crisis… UPDATED

Donald Trump Wanted DOJ To Prosecute Hillary Clinton And James Comey: ‘Impeachable Offense’  >> HERE and HERE.

Trump’s defense of Saudi Arabia over murder of Jamal Khashoggi (despite CIA report) ‘A despicable, embarrassing failure’ >> HERE and HERE.

UPDATE 2018.11.21 >> Attacks Federal Judiciary and the Chief Supreme

UPDATE 2018.11.22 >> Trump Skips Visit With Troops In Combat Zones, Phones It In From His Country Club

He still has not visited service members in combat zones, 22 months into his term. President Barack Obama visited Iraq three months into his first term.

UPDATE 2018.11.22 >> A five-time draft dodger, Trump ‘has never visited the troops in a combat zone, has forced troops to needlessly miss Thanksgiving so they can fulfill a politically motivated mission to protect the country from an imaginary threat at the border – and has verbally attacked war heroes. He attacked the late Senator John McCain because he was held captive for five years in Vietnam, attacked the parents of a U.S. soldier killed in Iraq, attacked retired Admiral William McRaven because the team he led did not kill Osama bin Laden faster. And, when troops were killed in Niger, he was too busy to greet their coffins.’

UPDATE 2018.11.23 >> Trump Has No Use for the Rule of Law

Democracies depend on what’s known as the ‘rule of law.’ It’s based on three fundamental principles. Trump is violating every one of them.

The endless lying is about more than diversion or a perpetual motion machine of absurdist theater. It is also about creating a mediascape where morality disappears and a criminogenic culture of thuggery, corruption, white supremacy and violence flourishes – and democracy dies. >>

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